
February 2, 2025ML Week 2025From January 27 to 31, the Machine Learning Week (ML Week 2025) took place in the town of Slavske (Lviv region), involving students from four universities: - National Technical University of Ukraine …Read more
Maths Disc Logo Adjustements 2 Cropped
January 7, 2025Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's program open for applicationsAs previously reported, the Applied Mathematics Department is participating in the MATHS-DISC joint master's program within the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters project. The project website is now live, p…Read more
September 10, 2024Meeting at Nova UkraineOn September 9, the head of the department, Oleh Chertov, and associate professors Iryna Yehorchenko and Danylo Tavrov met with Michael Simbirsky, the treasurer of the non-profit organization Nova Ukr…Read more