Admission to the first year

We invite you to become a member of our team! After all, any real learning is a joint effort of both students and teachers.
The content of the activity of specialists in applied mathematics is to:
  1. development of artificial intelligence systems, data mining algorithms, machine learning and computational intelligence methods
  2. development of mathematical and software tools for processing large data sets (big data)
  3. mathematical modeling of complex technical, economic, biological processes and phenomena
  4. development of information technologies
  5. development of theoretical foundations of mathematical and software systems for data processing of various nature

Admission to the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics is conducted on a competitive basis.

Additional information about the rules of admission to the first year can be found on the website of the Admissions Committee of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the website of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

Frequently asked questions


Weight of subjects of the EIT certificate (a motivation letter is also required)

The weight of a certificate of complete general secondary education Weight of points for successful completion of preparatory courses at the university The minimum competitive score for admission to the competition or for enrollment in a quota program At the expense of individuals and/or legal entities
1. Ukrainian language 0,3 0





Motivation letter
2. Math


3. History of Ukraine 0,2
4. The fourth block  Physics - 0,4
Foreign language - 0,3
Ukrainian literature either chemistry, or biology, or geography - 0,2

* In 2024, the results of the national multi-subject test (NMT) of 2022-2023 or the results of the external independent assessment (ZNO) of 2021 are used for admission (exclusively the entire test that took place in the corresponding year, without the possibility of choosing subjects from different years).

This year, entrants who plan to obtain a bachelor's degree at KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, must provide a letter of motivation for admission to the university when submitting electronic applications.
Thus, for admission both by state order and at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities to the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics, all entrants must submit the results of the NMT or ZNO and a motivation letter.

The main session of the NMT will be held from 18 July to 10 August in Ukraine and 39 European countries, so you can take the test even outside the country.

On the website of the Admissions Committee of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, you can find the main dates of application and document submission, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrolment of applicants on the basis of complete general secondary education, as well as the schedule of the Admissions Committee of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute during the application and document submission.

  • Bachelor's degree: 3 years and 10 months (4 academic years)
  • Master's degree in educational and professional training: 1 year and 4 months (1.5 academic years)
  • Master's degree in educational and scientific training: 1 year and 9 months (2 academic years)

The cost of one year of bachelor's degree study at the Department of Applied Mathematics in the academic year 2024/25 is

  • full-time (full-time) education - UAH 34,900.

The department teaches the following professional disciplines:

at the bachelor's level (see the curriculum):

  • a block of mathematical disciplines: "Algebra and Geometry", "Discrete Mathematics", "Mathematical Analysis", "Mathematical Logic and Algorithmic Theory", "Probability Theory", "Mathematical Statistics", "Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable", "Differential Equations", "Numerical Methods", "Functional Analysis", "Optimization Methods", "Data Analysis", "Mathematical Modeling", "Fundamentals of Machine Learning" (including electives: "Random Processes", "Operations Research", "Equations of Mathematical Physics", "Methods of Deep Learning", "Control Theory", "System Analysis")
  • block of programming disciplines: "Architecture of Computer Systems", "Programming", "Python Programming", "Algorithms and Data Structures", "Algorithmic Foundations of Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics", "Introduction to Databases and Information Systems", "Databases", "Algorithms and Systems of Computer Mathematics" (including elective courses: "Web Programming, Functional Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Software Quality Assurance, Information Systems, Data Science Systems, Distributed and Cloud Computing)

Master's degree program (Data Science and Mathematical Modeling):

  • 1.5-year master's program (see the curriculum): "Machine Learning, Data Mining, Methods of Reliability and Risk Theory, Modeling of Complex Systems, Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics (including electives: "Fuzzy Mathematics, Architecture and Technology of Big Data Systems, Blockchain Technology, Decision Support Methods, Mathematical Modeling of Biomedical Systems and Processes)
  • 2-year Master's degree (see the curriculum): the same as above, as well as "Big Data Mining", "Project Management", "Applied Modeling" (including electives: "Automated Text Mining, Systems Engineering)

The department teaches the following programming languages:

  • 1st year: Python, C/C++
  • 2nd year: Java, Javascript, Haskel
  • 3rd year: SQL, R
  • 4th year: SQL, m (Matlab)

Deep knowledge of mathematics, data science, and information technologies opens a variety of opportunities for department alumni in the modern labor market. There one can find exactly what corresponds to one’s abilities and preferences.

Our alumni work in the most popular organizations and companies in Ukraine as well as abroad:

  • Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Business Analyst: European Commission, Interpol, Amazon, PrivatBank, Dragon Capital, etc.
  • Software Engineer, Web Developer: Microsoft, Google, Samsung R&D, EPAM Systems, GlobalLogic, Infopulse, Luxoft, Ciklum, DataArt, Terrasoft, etc.
  • Technical Lead, System Architect, System Administrator: Miratech, Ciklum, Luxoft, Nokia Networks, etc. 
  • Researcher: Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Western universities and research centres

Average salaries of relevant specialists in Kyiv with 3 years of experience as of December 2022 (according to

  • Machine Learning Engineer — $4500
  • Data Scientist — $3500
  • Middle Software Engineer (Java) — $3300
  • Technical Lead — $5200

For example, a number of our students have continued their studies at European universities, including double degree programs, after completing their bachelor's degree.

For more information about the department's international academic relations, see the International Activities page.

Yes, for many years faculty, graduates, and undergraduates of the department maintain active international research connections.

Detailed information can be found on the “Research” and “ Inernational Activities” pages.

Yes, 3rd and 4th years department students may undergo military training in the program of training reserve officers at the Department of Military Training of the Igor Sikorsky KPI. After finishing the training, graduates get the military rank of junior lieutenant.

Detailed information can be found on the Department of Military Training of the Igor Sikorsky KPI website.

Yes, department students can be accommodated in the dorm 14.

Detailed information can be found on the Student City website.

Detailed information about living in the dorm can be found on the “Dormitory” page.

Additional information

  • Official page of the PMA Department on Facebook
  • E-mail

  • Phone

    +38 (068) 153-29-36

Coat of arms of the Department of Applied Mathematics

Polytechnichna str. 14-bKyiv, Ukraine, 0305614 building
Social Media