For students

In this section you can find information related to students and student life.

Student life is not just about studying in classrooms and doing your homework. Here you can also spend your free time creating unforgettable memories and develop as a person.
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Our library is one of the best libraries in Ukraine and Europe and represents a synthesis of books, architecture, art and modern technologies. The library has repeatedly received grants from the International Renaissance Foundation and the Open Society Institute.Read more
  • Бібліотека

    Our library is one of the best libraries in Ukraine and Europe and is a synthesis of books, architecture, art and modern technologies. The library has repeatedly received grants from the International Renaissance Foundation and the Open Society Institute. The library has a wonderful conference room where international, national, university scientific and practical conferences, student competitions, meetings with writers, scientists and cultural figures, state, city and university leaders are held.

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  • Українсько Японський Центр
    Ukrainian-Japanese Centre

    The project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency aims to deepen mutual understanding and improve friendly relations between our countries. Therefore, the Centre, which is open to everyone, offers Japanese language and Japanese arts courses, various events, a library providing various information services, and cooperation with the scientific community, the industrial sector and government agencies.

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