
Head of the Department
Chertov Oleg Romanovich
He was a student, postgraduate student, assistant professor, associate professor and professor at the Applied Mathematics Department. In December 2014, he was appointed Head of the Department.
In 1991, he defended his PhD thesis and in 2014 his doctoral dissertation.
Chertov proposed and developed the theory of group anonymity for statistical, sociological, and other data sets. Within the framework of the scientific school he heads, fundamental and applied research works are successfully carried out in such areas as Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Template Matching.
Our faculty
Applied Mathematics Department employs highly skilled faculty- Doctors of Engineering Sciences
- Doctors of Science in Physics and Mathematics
- PhD in Physics and Mathematics
- PhD in Engineering Sciences
- Doctor of Science in Pharmaceutics
- PhD in Applied Mathematics
Zhuk Ivan
Academic secretaryVioleta Tretynyk
Deputy head of the department for educational work, guarantor of the bachelor's degree programPavlo Maslyanko
Deputy head of the department for researchLilia Vovk
Deputy head of the department for educational and methodological workSergey Syrota
Deputy head of the department for international cooperationOlena Temnikova
First vice deanVictoria Gromova
Vice dean for work in the dormitoryValerii Los
Guarantor of the master's degree program