
Наукова Діяльність

Active research is being conducted at the Applied Mathematics Department by its faculty, graduates, and undergraduates. The research is being led by:

The main research areas are as follows:

  • Data Science:
    • data mining
    • privacy-preserving data publishing
    • soft computing
    • recommender systems
    • non-dyadic wavelet transforms
    • methods for fraud detection in context advertising systems

  • Mathematical and Computer Modeling:
    • strength and reliability of pipeline systems
    • computational methods for solving partial derivative equations
    • computational fluid dynamics
    • finite elements methods
    • regression models and identification theory

  • Systems Engineering:
    • theoretical aspects of developing complex geographically distributed multilevel information systems
    • developing of the theory of corporate informatization as the system of scientific, technical, and economic processes and models

Research funding at the Applied Mathematics Department during recent five years has amounted around 1400 K grn.

In the recent years, the following theses have been defended at the department:

ScD Theses:

PhD Theses:

Прикладна Математика Та Комп’ютинг
Scientific Conference for Graduates “Applied Mathematics and Computing”

Since 2009, annual Scientific conference for undergraduates and graduates “Applied Mathematics and Computing” has been held at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

The conference, among others, includes “Applied Mathematics” section. Conference proceedings are published after the conference.

Collaborative Monographs Whose Joint Authors are Department Faculty

Since 2010, department faculty, graduates, and students participated in writing a number of collaborative monographs:

  1. Chertov O. Two-Phase Memetic Modifying Transformation for Solving the Task of Providing Group Anonymity / O. Chertov, D. Tavrov // Recent Developments and New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications [eds. L. A. Zadeh, A. M. Abbasov, R. R. Yager, S. N. Shahbazova, M. Z. Reformat]. — Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. — P. 239–253. — (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 342).
  2. Chertov O. Microfiles as a Potential Source of Confidential Information Leakage / O. Chertov, D. Tavrov // Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare [eds. R. R. Yager, M. Z. Reformat, N. Alajlan]. — Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. — P. 87–114. — (Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 563).
  3. Chertov O. Microfiles as a Potential Source of Confidential Information Leakage / O. Chertov, D. Tavrov // Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare [eds. R. R. Yager, M. Z. Reformat, N. Alajlan]. — Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. — P. 87–114. — (Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 563).
  4. Chertov O. Fuzzy Clustering with Prototype Extraction for Census Data Analysis / О. Chertov, M. Aleksandrova // Soft Computing: State of the Art Theory and Novel Applications [eds. R. R. Yager, A. M. Abbasov, M. Z. Reformat, S. N. Shahbazova]. — Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2013. — P. 289–313. — (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 291).
  5. Chertov О. Providing Group Anonymity in Social Networks / О. Chertov, D. Tavrov // Computational Social Networks. Security and Privacy [ed. Ajith Abraham]. — London : Springer-Verlag, 2012. — P. 249–268.
  6. Group Methods of Data Processing : monograph / O. Chertov, D. Tavrov, D. Pavlov [et al.] ; ed. O. Chertov. — Raleigh :, 2010. — 155 p.
  7. Информационные технологии: приоритетные направления развития : монография / [Л. Н. Абуталипова, А. Г. Гусейнов, А. С. Дулесов и др.] ; под общ. ред. О. Р. Чертова. — Новосибирск : СИБПРИНТ, 2010. — Кн. 4. — 194 с.
Coat of arms of the Department of Applied Mathematics

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+38 (044) 204 84
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