
Valerii Los

Managerial position: Guarantor of the master's degree programAcademic title: ProfessorAcademic degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical SciencesEmail: vloslosv@gmail.com
  • Place of birth
    Chernihiv city
  • Education

    Lyceum school № 15 in Chernihiv.

    Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko, mathematics and computer science.

  • About me

    Why did you decide to become a teacher?

    When I was a student, I started teaching an elective at school, and I liked it. I decided to pursue science and teaching.

    Since when have you been working as a teacher at KPI?


    When did you become interested in math?

    Since childhood.

    What is the most difficult part of teaching for you?

    To develop a new course of lectures in a way that would interest students. Each group of students requires a different approach.

    What do you do in your free time, do you have any hobbies?

    I like to travel. Swimming in summer and skiing in winter.

    Do you believe in God?

    Yes, I do.

    Do you like to travel?

    Very much. By various means of transportation. Cycling and hiking are not excluded. But especially traveling by car.

    Do you have a favorite city from your travels, something that left an imprint on your memory?

    Every city has something interesting. Among European cities, I would like to highlight Amsterdam and Dresden. I also really like the nature on the Desna River near Chernihiv.

    Do you have a rule or principle that guides you in life?

    If you want to achieve something, you need to work hard.

    What did you want to be when you were a child?

    I wanted to be an astronaut.

    What was your student life like?

    Interesting, a lot of traveling. In particular, thanks to trips to the All-Ukrainian Olympiads.

    Do you have any favorites among the students you teach?

    I always try to be objective with students. If a weak student tries to study, but not everything works out, you can make a small concession. And if a student is capable but lazy, then you need to make more demands on him or her.

    Do you think that teaching methods are becoming outdated?

    I believe that all modern education needs to change. In particular, the curriculum needs to be significantly revised. The educational process should be oriented to the requirements of modern society. The main principle that I believe should guide education is the words of I. Kant: "It is not thoughts that should be taught, but thinking."