Громова Вікторія Вікторівна

Victoria Gromova

Managerial position: Vice Dean for work in the dormitory
  • Place of birth
    Kyiv region
  • Education

    I graduated from high school in Kovel, Volyn region (gold medal). However, I have no attachment to any school, because my father was a military man, and our family traveled the world with him.

    I started studying at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in mathematical and counting and solving devices and instruments. But I got married, my husband graduated from the same faculty and was assigned to work in Kyiv at the Electronmash plant. Therefore, I continued my studies at the Faculty of Physical Engineering and Technology at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

  • About me

    Why did you decide to become a teacher?

    All the time after graduation, I have been working in the same team, which has transformed from one unit to another over time. So, I have been working at the FPM since the faculty was founded. I worked in the research sector of the department as an engineer and researcher. The head of the department offered me to move to teaching, but I did not agree. I thought it would be very boring and monotonous. But over time, circumstances changed, and I returned to that offer. And imagine my surprise when I started working as a teacher. I did not take into account that our specialty, which is related to the field of IT technologies, is so "restless": it does not stand still, is dynamic, very mobile and even a little moody. I like this. I have been working as a teacher for over 20 years.

    What do you do in your free time, do you have any hobbies?

    I am interested in painting. I love to sew, and I also like to do interior design.

    If all the books in the world disappeared and you could keep only one copy, what would you choose?

    John Galsworthy, The Forsyth Saga (the whole list).

    What three books would you recommend reading?

    It's hard to give advice. Everyone has their own preferences and tastes. For me, as I have now realized, the closest is the Anglo-Saxon classic: William Thackeray's The Vanity Fair, Scott Fitzgerald's The Silent Night, Theodore Dreiser (almost all novels are good).

    What three films would you recommend to watch?

    "The Quiet Don (only Gerasimov's version), They Fought for the Motherland by Sergei Bondarchuk, Nine Days of One Year by by Mikhail Romm.

    Do you believe in God?

    It's hard to answer. But I never forget the 10 Commandments.

    Do you like to travel?

    No, I don't. I like to feel confident and clear.

    If you caught a goldfish, what wishes would you make?

    Somehow I got used to relying only on myself (my mother taught me that), so I don't need anything extra.

    Do you have a rule or principle that guides you in life?

    "Do what is right and let things happen." This saying is attributed to the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, although the expression has been slightly transformed. And another saying: "Freedom is the conscious fulfillment of one's duty." In my opinion, this is closely related to understanding one's rights and responsibilities. I am guided by this in my life.

    Have you ever had any incidents in your life that radically changed you as a person?

    There were, but they didn't change me. Despite my incredibly close-knit family, it turned out that I make the hard and crucial decisions on my own.

    What did you want to become as a child?

    You will be very surprised - a pilot. I even wrote a poem about it.

    How do you take a break from students?

    I don't get tired, despite the fact that I am also the deputy dean for social work, i.e. for dormitory issues. I am a happy person who is happy to go to work and happy to come home.

    What do students lack?

    In my opinion, understanding of their goal, as they say, motivation.

    Some people think that the previous courses were better than the current ones. How do you feel about this opinion?

    It was true for a while, but the current freshmen are very different in their responsibility and interest. This makes me very happy.

    Do you think that teaching methods are becoming outdated?

    I think there should be a reasonable balance. I work mainly with junior students. And from my experience, I know that no online communication can replace face-to-face communication with a student. For "older" students, this technology is suitable.