International activities

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International academic relations

Ukrainian students are getting more interested in learning abroad. Due to friendly foreign relations of the department, providing access to joint international education schemes, these interests are becoming easier to accomplish. In 2009, the contract with École Polytechnique (Paris, France) for the training of masters was concluded. In 2010, the same agreement was concluded with the Université du Maine (France). In 2012, at the initiative of Applied Mathematics Department, treaty on Master training by double diploma programs was signed between KPI and Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland).

In the past years, the following undergraduates, graduates, and faculty benefited from the international activity of the department:

European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry

In 2010, Applied Mathematics Department joined European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and since then has taken an active part in its work, introducing European standards and approaches into education for applied mathematics. Since 2012/2013 academic year, undergraduates have been trained via renewed curriculum entirely satisfying ECMI requirements. In particular, such innovative form of education as semester applied modeling seminar has been introduced and maintained.

Leading members of Consortium regularly come to the Igor Sikorsky KPI with lectures and trainings. Among them are Prof. Magnus Fontes, Lund University (Sweden) (May 25, 2010) and Prof. Matti Heiliö, Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) (May 17, 2012).

Department students participate on a regular basis in various events hosted by the Consortium:

  • in 2010, Master's students Sergiy Siryk and Igor Tereshchenko participated in Modelling Week (Milan, Italy) run by ECMI. The results of the research work were prepared for publishing in academic journals
  • in August, 2012, Master 's students Olexandra Dmytrenko, Taras Slipets, and Igor Zarvanskiy participated in the Summer School and ECMI Modelling Week (Dresden, Germany)
  • in July, 2015, undergraduate Anastasiia Shcherbak participated in the ECMI Modelling Week (Lisboa, Portugal)
  • in July, 2022, undergraduates Alina Hermanchuk, Tetiana Korniienko, Yaroslava Mykhailenko, Yuliia Nad, Sonya Pobiedimska participated in the ECMI Modelling Week (Verona, Italy)
  • in June, 2024, undergraduates Anton Pieshkov and Yan Aklog, as well as Master's students Anna Mashyr, Mariia ​​Pinda, and Mariia Umanets participated in the ECMI Modelling Week (Catania, Italy)
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 Collaboration

Since 2015, Applied Mathematics Department is a member of the AMMODIT (Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools) project, a part of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014–2020).

Project duration: 08/01/2015–07/31/2019.
The maximum grant amount is EUR 823,500.00.

AMMODIT brings together research teams from the EU (Germany, Italy, and Austria) and Ukraine (Kyiv, Donetsk, Slovyansk) in the area of applied mathematics with emphasis on medical and life science applications.

The goal is joint research in six research tasks concerning:

  • the study of mathematical methods for Magnetic Particle Imaging
  • entropy-like measures and quantification of system complexity
  • coarse-grain modelling for (bio)polymers
  • diagnostic tools for cardiac surgery
  • regularization methods for causality detection
  • meta-learning approach to Nocturnal Hypoglycemia prediction

During the project:

Nato Collaboration
NATO Collaboration

Since 2017, Applied Mathematics Department is a member of the SPS G5286 project “Cyber Rapid Analysis for Defense Awareness of Real-Time Situation — CyRADARS.” The project is funded within the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) program.

Project duration: 11/01/2017–10/31/2020.
Total budget is EUR 433,000.00, including EUR 153,800.00 for the Applied Mathematics Department.
The budget includes computers for the training center, stipends for young researchers, conference participation, etc.

The main aim of CyRADARS project is developing novel theoretical foundations, methods, and research prototypes of software tools for producing situational awareness of operations directed at dissemination of malicious information. When deployed with national cyber defence organizations, these methods and tools will enable capabilities:

  • to monitor the national cyberspace in order to analyze injections and propagations of malicious information
  • to inform appropriate national bodies
  • to create conditions necessary for decision making about prevention or active response to a hostile cyber campaign
Міжнародна Конференція
International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Analysis of Information

Since 2001, Applied Mathematics Department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) has been organizing annual T. A. Taran International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Analysis of Information.” Conference founders include Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Prosvita Publishing House. Participating countries in previous years were Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Azerbaijan.

In 2018, the conference is changing its title to International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Analysis of Information, to reflect broadening of its scope and composition of participants. Kyiv School of Economics is joining the conference as one of its co-organizers.

International activity within the department is managed by the International Office of Applied Mathematics Department.