- Faculty
- Oleksandr Olefir

Oleksandr Olefir
- Education
He graduated from school in Poltava region and studied at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Cybernetics of Electrical Systems. He graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic in 1972, after which he worked for 3 years at a production facility. In 1975, he entered graduate school and defended his dissertation in 1980. He worked as a researcher for 2-3 years, and then started teaching.
- About me
What subjects do you teach?
I taught numerical methods, programming languages, modeling of complex systems, and now I teach Programming and Applied Software.
What is your hobby?
Let's say photography. I've been doing it at the amateur level since school, and now I take a lot of pictures, for example, while traveling.
Do you like to travel?
Yes, a little bit. I used to travel a lot in the Soviet Union.
Do you have a favorite city from your travels, something that left an imprint on your memory?
You know, I can't say. The fact is that I always returned to Kyiv with relief, despite all the praised cities and places. I get tired quickly, and I'm drawn back.
So, can we say that Kyiv is your favorite city?
I guess so.
What do you do in your free time?
Sometimes I listen to music. My favorite artist is Andy Williams, I really like his work.
What did you dream of becoming as a child?
I cannot say that I dreamed of any profession. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by electrical engineering, radio engineering, and various experiments. When we were at school, we made all kinds of radios and radio transmitters, and I was extremely interested in it. That's why I went to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Did you attend any clubs?
I used to play the accordion, I participated in school competitions, but now I don't play anything anymore.
Tell us something about your family.
I have a wife like everyone else, two children - a son and a daughter - and three grandchildren. My daughter first went to KPI, to study applied science, but she didn't like it, so she went into economics, into banking. And my son followed in my footsteps, but did not study the same specialty.
What are your most vivid memories of student life?
There were many interesting things. Probably the most interesting is what you did not see. Every year, students were sent to a collective farm near Kyiv, and for a month we picked various fruits and vegetables there. It had its own student atmosphere. It was a lot of fun.
Do you keep in touch with anyone from the group?
Of course we do. At least four people work at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and we keep in close touch. And we meet with others on graduation anniversaries.
Was it hard to study?
Yes, it was hard. Harder than it is for students today.
Let's talk about your teaching career. Do you have any favorites?
I don't have any favorites. My students are divided into 2 types. The good ones are those who work hard, and the bad ones are those who are lazy and try to get a grade and a diploma by any means necessary.
How do you feel about expelling students?
I think that expelling students is always bad, so I am cautious about it. These are extreme measures.
You can often hear from teachers that each course is worse than the last. Do you agree with this statement?
Yes, I believe that every year students come weaker and weaker.This is a general trend, and students are not to blame. The fact is that the number of hours of math and physics has been reduced. Also, in my time, everyone in schools tried to do well in math and physics.This was so because in my time, the heroes were astronauts, nuclear physicists, people who created something.And who do people imitate now?Even if we look at movies, we can see policemen and bandits who did not become such by choice, probably people of art.In my opinion, this is very bad. Advanced countries invest all their efforts in production, in brains, and buy out specialists, while we develop banks, trade, and pharmacies.
How can you assess the quality of education at universities?
I can assess the quality of education only at KPI, and I think they teach well.Mainly due to the fact that they teach you to do a lot of things with your own hands, to create something: course projects, term papers, diploma papers... This is real education.