Associate Professor

Sergey Syrota

Managerial position: Deputy Head of the Department for International CooperationAcademic title: Associate ProfessorAcademic degree: Candidate of Technical SciencesEmail: syrota.sergiy@lll.kpi.uaPhone: +380674666998
  • Date of birth
  • Education

    Born in 1968 in Kyiv. He graduated from the 145th School of Physics and Mathematics and entered Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Management Systems, Department of Applied Mathematics. He graduated from KPI in 1992, at that time the department was already part of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science.In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis.I have been teaching at KPI since 2008.

  • About me

    What subjects do you teach?

    "Algorithms and Data Structures, Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics, Decision Support Methods, Automated Text Processing.

    Please tell us about your family.

    I have a beloved wife, two beautiful daughters, a son-in-law, two granddaughters, and parents.May God grant them all health and longevity!

    What did you dream of becoming as a child?

    I dreamed of becoming an IT engineer and a millionaire.

    Do you remember your first encounter with a computer? What was it like?

    Like meeting a person I've known all my life.

    Do you have any hobbies now?

    I have many hobbies. Among them are traveling, music, technology. And finally, teaching. In my free time, I change my occupation.

    Imagine that all the books, movies, and music in the world disappeared, and you had the opportunity to save one work at a time. What would you save?

    I will do everything to save my children and grandchildren. Because this is the future of every person.

    If you caught a goldfish, what wishes would you make?

    I'm not that lucky, so I'm used to fulfilling my wishes on my own.

    Do you believe in God?

    Yes, I do. Because I think the model in which He exists is the most adequate.

    What was your student life like?

    It was bright. The first year I was an excellent student. Then - 2 years in the army (we were not asked then). I returned to another country.

    I started my second year as an adult and married. In the third year, my daughter was born. I finished the fourth, fifth, and half of the sixth year as an external student with a red diploma.

    In my fifth year, I already had my own business and 15 employees.

    Have you had any events in your life that changed it dramatically?

    The collapse of the Iron Curtain and the opening of the whole world outside the USSR.

    What emotions did the collapse of the USSR cause in you?

    Great joy and euphoria.

    When you were a youngster, a pioneer, a Komsomol member, did you believe in a wonderful socialist future?

    Yes, I did.

    Do you have any favorites among your students?

    No, I don't. All of them are equally good.

    Are you sorry to expel students?

    No. If you come to study, study. If you don't want to, leave.

    You often hear that previous courses were better than the current ones. How do you feel about this opinion? Is it true that the quality of education at school in our country is deteriorating every year?

    It is not true. It's just that times are changing.

    And the quality of upbringing and education today depends on me and my colleagues, so it cannot deteriorate.

    "Live long enough to learn." What have you studied or learned recently?

    How to wake up ports on a router.