Documentation requirements

At the Department of Applied Mathematics, students are required to comply with the requirements of state standards for the preparation of final certification papers, reports on course projects and papers, reports on internships, reports on laboratory work and other documentation, and in particular, reports in the field of science and technology. For the convenience of students, the Department of Applied Mathematics has prepared guidelines based on these standards, which clarify and supplement their most important provisions.
  • Page format

    All documents should be printed on pages with the following dimensions:

    • A4 format (210 x 297 mm)
      Borders: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm
    • pages should be numbered in Arabic numerals, observing the through numbering throughout the document. The page number should be placed in the upper right corner of the page without a period at the end
    • all pages preceding the "Table of Contents" do not have a page number

  • Main text

    The main text of the document should be written in Ukrainian and formatted as follows:

    • font - Times New Roman, 14 point
    • line spacing - 1.5 lines, without any indentation "before" and "after"
    • paragraph indentation should be the same throughout the text and equal to 1.25 cm
    • text alignment - by width

  • Structural elements

    The structural elements of the document are sections, subsections and paragraphs, as well as special structural elements - "Abstract" (provided if necessary, may be in Ukrainian and English), "Table of Contents", "List of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms" (provided if necessary), "Introduction", "Conclusions", "List of References". In this case:

    • sections, subsections and paragraphs must have headings
    • titles of sections and special structural elements should be placed in the middle of the line and printed in capital letters without a period at the end, without underlining or bolding
    • Subsection and paragraph headings should begin with a paragraph indent and be printed in lowercase letters, except for the first capital letter, without a period at the end, without underlining or bolding
    • if the heading consists of two or more sentences, they should be separated by a period
    • the distance between the heading and the following or preceding text should be two lines. There should be no line breaks between two headings
    • each section and special structural element should start on a new page
    • subsections and paragraphs should begin on the current page
    • it is not allowed to place the heading of a subsection or paragraph at the bottom of the page if only one line of text is placed after it
    • Sections should be numbered consecutively within the document and indicated by Arabic numerals without a period, for example, 1, 2, 3, etc.
    • Subsections should be numbered in Arabic numerals within each section; the subsection number consists of the section number and the subsection number separated by a dot; no dot is placed after the subsection number, e.g. 1.1, 1.2, etc.
    • paragraphs shall be numbered in Arabic numerals within each subsection; the paragraph number shall consist of the section number, subsection number and the serial number of the subsection separated by dots; after the paragraph number

  • List of symbols, abbreviations and terms

    In this structural element of the document, abbreviations of terms and concepts that appear in the text more than twice (except for commonly used ones) should be presented and explained. In the text itself, after the first mention of the relevant term or concept, its abbreviation should be given in brackets.


    Abbreviations should be given in alphabetical order. Latin abbreviations should precede Cyrillic abbreviations.


    If there are no abbreviations in the document, the corresponding structural element may be omitted.

  • Contents

    The "table of contents" of the document should be drawn up in accordance with Annex B to DSTU 3008:2015 (but see below for templates).

  • Figures and tables

    When placing figures and tables, the following requirements should be observed:


    • figures should be placed immediately after the text where they are first mentioned or on the next page
    • the title of the figure is placed below it in the middle of the line. The title of the figure consists of the word "Figure", the figure number, and the figure title, separated by a short dash. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals within the chapter, the figure number consists of the chapter number and the figure number separated by a dot. An example of a figure title: "Figure 3.1 - Layout diagram" - the first figure of the third section
    • block diagrams must be drawn up as figures, they must comply with GOST 19.701-90 "Unified system of software documentation. Schemes of algorithms, programs, data and systems. Symbols and rules of execution"
    • tables should be placed immediately after the text where they are mentioned for the first time or on the next page
    • the title of the table is placed above it at the left edge of the line without a paragraph indent. The title of the table consists of the word "Table", the table number, and the table heading separated by a short dash. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals within the chapter, and the table number consists of the chapter number and the table number separated by a period. Example of a table title: "Table 5.3 - Results of calculations" - the third table of the fifth section
    • if the rows of the table go beyond the page, the table is divided into parts by transferring the part of the table to the next page, repeating its header in each part of the table. When dividing a table into parts, you may replace its header with column numbers, numbering them with Arabic numerals in the first part of the table. If a table is moved over parts of it that are moved to subsequent pages, the following is written on the left without indentation: "Continuation of table __" with the table number
    • one free line should be left above and below each figure and table

  • Lists

    When formatting lists, keep the following in mind

    • a colon is placed before the list
    • before each item of a numbered list, put a lowercase letter of the Ukrainian alphabet with a closing bracket
    • a hyphen should be placed before each item of an unnumbered list
    • if the numbered list has two levels of nesting, Arabic numerals with a closing bracket should be used for the second level, for example
      a. cell shape and size;
      b. live cell composition:
            i. cell parts;
            ii. non-living inclusions of protoplasts;
      c. tissue formation;
    • Lists of the first level of detail are printed in small letters with a margin of 1.25 cm, the second level - in small letters with a margin of 2 cm

  • Formulas

    Formulas in a document must be executed in accordance with the following requirements:

    • formulas should be placed immediately after the text where they are mentioned, in the middle of the page
    • one free line should be left above and below each formula
    • formulas must be numbered in Arabic numerals within the section; the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example, (1.3) is the third formula of the first section
    • formulas in the form of figures are not allowed

  • List of references

    All literary sources should be cited in accordance with DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 "System of Standards for Information, Library and Publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation". In this case:

    • literary sources are numbered in the order of their mention in the text
    • references to sources that have no scientific value (for example, Wikipedia pages) are not allowed

  • Applications

    Appendices should be placed on the pages of the document following the "List of References". In this case:

    • each appendix should start on a new page
    • the appendix should have a title printed at the top in lowercase letters with the first capital in the centre. In the middle of the line above the heading, the word "Appendix __" and the capital letter denoting the appendix should be printed in lowercase letters from the first capital letter
    • the annexes should be indicated by consecutive capital letters of the Ukrainian alphabet, e.g. Annex A, Annex B, etc.

  • Links in the text

    The text of the document should contain references to all figures and tables, as well as to all sources from the "List of References". At the same time:

    • references in the text to sources should be indicated by the serial number in the "List of References", separated by two square brackets, for example, [...] in works [1-7] [...]
    • when referring to sections, subsections, paragraphs, figures, tables, formulas, and appendices, indicate their numbers. It should be written:
      • [...] in section 4 [...]
      • [...] see 2.1 [...]
      • [...] (see 3.2) [...]
      • [...] under 3.3.1 [...]
      • [...] in accordance with 2.3.3 [...]
      • [...] in Figure 1.3 [...]
      • [...] in Table 3.2 [...]
      • [...] by formula (3.1) [...]
      • [...] in equations (1.23)-(1.25) [...]
      • [...] in Annex B [...]

  • Listings of programmes

    Listings of programmes are usually submitted in a separate appendix.

    The listing should be in Times New Roman 8-point font, single spaced.

  • Design templates

    The Department of Applied Mathematics has prepared templates that take into account the above requirements:

    • LaTeX style file and an archive with an example of its use
    • MS Word template