- For students
- Final assessment
- Requirements for feedback from supervisors
Requirements for feedback from the supervisors of final assessment papers
According to the Regulations on the final certification of students of NTUU "KPI", the (scientific) supervisor of the final certification work must prepare a review with a description of the student's activities during the work.

- Feedback structure
The review is made in any form, indicating
- the relevance of the topic, in the interests or by order of which organisation the certification work was performed (within the framework of the research work of the department, by order of the enterprise, organisation, etc.)
- compliance of the completed attestation work with the issued assignment
- a brief critical review of the content of individual parts of the attestation work, indicating the most important issues in which the student's independence, level of theoretical and practical training was revealed
- the level of disclosure of individual issues and the degree of student independence in the performance of the assessment work
- the student's ability to analyse literary sources, make sound engineering and scientific decisions, apply modern mathematical methods and information technology, conduct mathematical modelling, analyse the results of experiments
- the most important theoretical and practical results of certification work, their testing (participation in conferences, seminars, publications in scientific journals, etc.)
- other issues that characterise the student's professional qualities
The last sentence of the review should be the following sentence:
- for bachelor's degree theses: "I believe that by its level the work meets the requirements for bachelor's degree theses in the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics, and its author - [surname, initials of the student] - deserves to be awarded the qualification of bachelor of applied mathematics."
- for master's theses for a master's degree: "I believe that by its level the thesis meets the requirements for master's degree attestation works in the specialty 113 Applied Mathematics, and its author - [student's name, initials] - deserves to be awarded the qualification of Master of Applied Mathematics."
Under the words "Thesis supervisor" ("Thesis project supervisor", "Master's thesis supervisor"), the academic degree, academic rank and position (on the left edge), initials and surname (on the right edge) of the (scientific) supervisor of the final certification work should be indicated. Information about the positions, academic degrees, academic titles of the department's lecturers can be found on the page "Lecturers"
- Templates for writing reviews
The Department of Applied Mathematics has prepared templates for reviews that take into account the above requirements:
- Bachelors: MS Word template. In some places, the positions that the student should bring into line with his/her work are highlighted in yellow
- Masters: MS Word template. In some places, the items that the student must bring into line with his/her dissertation are highlighted in yellow