Freshmen dedication day

Every year, the student council of the dormitory organizes various holidays for the residents. One of them is the Freshmen Dedication Day.

Many of the freshmen who have just moved into the dormitory do not know any of the residents and do not suspect that we are actually a friendly family. This holiday is organized to attract new students to our family.

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In the evening of one of the September days, all the freshmen are gathered near the dormitory. The chairman of the student council makes an opening speech, and then an "honorary master" reads excerpts from the Code of Student Life.

Every student who has gone through the fire of the first session knows that the Bible for a student is Mathematical Analysis. Therefore, in order to instil a love of learning in the first-year students, each of them has to take a solemn oath on the "student Bible".

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The first-year students take turns approaching the "honorary master", kneel down, say "I swear" loudly in response to the master's words, and then kiss the book. Next, each of them must eat a spoonful of porridge and drink a glass of compote, which symbolise the students' favourite food. This completes the first stage of the initiation.

After that, all the dormitory residents gather in the club, where various entertainment competitions take place. 

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Firstly, there are competitions between floors, in which only freshmen take part. Each team has its own captain, the floor leader. With his or her help, the team has to prepare a performance on the eve of the holiday, which is then shown on stage. The winners are determined by a jury, which may include representatives of the dormitory administration, faculties and the student council. After the award ceremony, students can spend time with their friends.

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