Passing Final Exams

Final exams (finals) at the Applied Mathematics Department are carried out according to the Temporary Regulations on Educational Process Organization at NTUU “KPI”. The current page features only the most important moments.

Finals can take the form of a regular exam, a graded test, or a test. Educational material under review is determined by the curriculum for a given subject. Finals take place at the time prescribed by the curriculum for a given major. The number of exams during any one session cannot exceed three, the number of tests cannot exceed six (practice and physical education tests excluded), no more than three of them being graded tests.

Semester tests for a given subject are held at the end of the semester, before the session starts. The grade for the test is assigned according to the results of the individual student’s work during the semester (individual assignments and quizzes), if she gets no less than 60 points according to the appraisal rating system (ARS). If the student doesn’t get any grade according to the ARS, the grade is assigned according to the results of the final quiz taken during the last class, or according to the results of the final interview.

Dean’s office creates the schedule of the finals and shows it to the faculty and students no later than one month before the session starts.

The grades for the exams, graded tests, academic year projects (papers), and practices are as follows. The ECTS grades can be A, B, C, D, E, Fx, and F, whereas the traditional grades are “excellent,” “good,” “satisfactory,” “not satisfactory” (the tests are evaluated as “passed”/“not passed”). All grades are put into an exam/test form.

A student is not allowed to take finals for a given subject if she doesn’t complete all types of works and assignments (laboratory works and individual assignments) prescribed by the curriculum for this subject. In this case the professor puts “no admission” in the exam/test form. Being “not admitted” to finals in one subject cannot be the cause of “not admitting” to other finals.

In case the student gets Fx, she can retake the final no more than twice. The second retake of the final can be supervised by an examining board formed by the dean. The board’s grade is definitive.

The student who doesn’t take the final in due time without respective reason is considered to have used the attempt to take it and gets Fx.

Students who received no more than two Fx grades during the finals are allowed to eliminate academic arrears within a week after the exams.