Department’s 40th Anniversary

The official part will start at 14:00, on November 9 2013, at the Center of Culture and Arts of NTUU “KPI.” We invite all the alumni to celebrate!

Those who've obtained login and password for their account at the website will get a personal badge.


During May 15–17, Faculty of Applied Mathematics held T. A. Taran XIII International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Analysis of Information’2013.”

The history of the Conference goes back to 2001 when the workshop of the same name, organized with combined efforts of the department staff and Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence, took place. In 2003, workshop proceedings started being published. Therefore, by 2005 the workshop had been transformed into the full-fledged international conference.

GL INNOVATE Chat with Senior Vice President of LinkedIn

Next week (June 11), a unique event is held in Kyiv. An informal meeting with investor, IT entrepreneur, technological expert Deep Nishar takes place. In his own time, he worked for Google and LinkedIn (currently holds the position of Senior Vice President of the company), and also created several companies of his own.

Discussion refers to the problems of social networking, mobile technologies, startups, creation of personal IT projects and collaboration with existent ones. All interested are welcome. Participation is free of charge. However, prior registration is highly recommended.

See link for details.

Летняя практика для студентов 3-5 курсов от ABBYY

По материалам

Внедренческий центр по продуктам 1С компании ABBYY Украина приглашает студентов 3-5 курсов на прохождение летней практики.

По результатам возможна оплачиваемая стажировка, частичная занятость и последующее трудоустройство после окончания обучения.

Компания ABBYY Украина, один из старейших партнеров 1С в Украине, предлагает молодым специалистам познакомиться поближе с программными продуктами 1С:Предприятие 8 и сделать первые шаги на пути к выбору будущей профессии.

Admission to the Yandex School of Data Analysis

From April 10 to May 20, 2013, new admission to the Yandex School of Data Analysis is being carried out.

Ukraine is the fourth in the number of IT specialists

Ukraine is the fourth in the number of certified IT specialists after the US, India, and Russia. According to the  “Comments” magazine, this is stated in the Annual Report of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization citing Exploring Ukraine IT Outsourcing Industry 2012.

According to the report, 40% of all IT specialists work in Kyiv, 19% work in Kharkiv, 16% work in Lviv, 7% work in Dnipropetrovsk, and 4% work in Odessa.

About 16 thousand IT specialists graduate from Ukrainian universities annually. 

NTUU “KPI”: Employers’ Feedback

Employees of the "Correspondent" magazine polled HR professionals from 29 largest domestic companies and Ukrainian branches of international corporations. The respondents were asked to name the university they prefer to employ graduates from.

During the interview, the respondents were asked to name up to five universities from six fields. Each university was assigned a point for every mention received. The universities were ranked according to the total number of points gained.

NTUU “KPI” leads the way in IT and Engineering fields, leaving Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and National University “Lviv Polytechnic” far behind.

Sir Roger Penrose visited KPI

Today the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", hosted a lecture by Sir Roger Penrose «Seeing Signals From Before the Big Bang». The lecture was held at the Academic Council hall (building № 1). Here Sir Roger Penrose was also presented the honorable professorial mantle and the title of Honorary Doctor of NTUU "KPI". 

Congratulations to our students for IJCNN 2012 Competition


We are glad to announce that Sergii Gavrylov and Ira Korshunova (KM-83) won the second place in the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2012 Competition "Classification of Psychiatric Problems Based on Saccades". Their solution was based on free-knot spline approximation of saccades measurements.


"Providing Group Anonymity in Social Networks" published in "Computational Social Networks"

We are glad to announce that Springer published an article "Providing Group Anonymity in Social Networks" by Oleg Chertov and Dan Tavrov in "Computational Social Networks".

This article proves the vital urgency of the authors' work in the field of providing group anonymity held within the "Group Anonymity" Project.

For further information proceed via the following link.
