V World Conference on Soft Computing

On August 17–19 this year, Dan Tavrov, Assistant Lecturer at the Applied Mathematics Department, visited Redmond (WA, the U. S.) for the Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information processing Society NAFIPS’2015 and 5th World Conference on Soft Computing.

AMD Student Oleksandr Honchar Won a Scholarship for Studying at Verona University

Applied Mathematics Department faculty and staff congratulate our student, Oleksandr Honchar, with winning the scholarship from Verona University for pursuing the Master’s Degree in Mathematics for two years (€ 9.000 gross per year).

Theses on the Website

Dear students, faculty members, visitors of the Applied Mathematics Department website!

Starting from the final assessments of summer, 2015, the department will publish on its website full texts (excluding appendices) of the Bachelor, Specialist, and Master theses.

Theses are available in the “Final Assessment” subsection of the “Activities” section.

Dan Tavrov is a Fulbright Grantee

This year, Dan Tavrov, Assistant Lecturer at the Applied Mathematics Department, PhD student (scientific advisor ScD, Head of the AMD Oleg Chertov), won the Fulbright scholarship to conduct research at the Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, the U.S.).

Dan became the finalist of the Fulbright Faculty Development Program, with his project devoted to providing data group anonymity. Mr. Tavrov will be doing his research under the famous American Professor Stephen Fienberg.

AMD Department at ECMI Education Committee Meeting

Applied Mathematics Department (NTUU “KPI”) at the ECMI Educational Committee Meeting

February 6–7, 2015, Milano, Italy

Prof. Franck Leprévost (Université du Luxembourg) Public Lecture

We welcome everyone to the lecture to be delivered by Prof. Franck Leprévost (Université du Luxembourg). The lecture is devoted to a problem of the list of the Clay Mathematics Institute, namely, whether classes P and NP are equal or not.

In this lecture, the scientist will explain what the problem is, and also how big is “big,” how fast is “fast,” how whisky, bacteria, DNA, the Sun, the Milky Way, and the observable Universe come in the game.

Why Applied Math?


admissions are about to begin soon, and many entrants will choose the uni to study, and the major to pursue.
Many of you faced the same choice some time ago, and decided to choose the Applied Mathematics Department.

Please share your thoughts,
1) why did you choose applied math in the first place?
2) what useful knowledge and skills did you gain studying at the AMD?
3) why, in your opinion, new entrants ought to enter our department?

Applied Mathematics Major Shall Remain!

Attention all faculty members, students, alumni, and friends of the Applied Mathematics Department!

We’re glad to announce great news.
In the updated list of fields and majors approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 04/29/2015, the “Applied Mathematics” major in the “Mathematics and Statistics” field has been preserved!

Intelligent Analysis of Information’2015

Welcome to the XV T. A. Taran International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Analysis of Information”

The XV International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Analysis of Information’2015” (IAI’2015) continues international scientific seminars and conferences “Intelligent Analysis of Information”, held annually at the NTUU “KPI” since 2001.

Oleg Chertov Appointed Head of the AMD Department



On December 17, 2014, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Oleg Chertov was appointed as the Head of the Applied Mathematics Department.

Department faculty and students congratulate Dr. Chertov with taking this responsible office, and wish great achievements in developing the department, great strengths and creative power on this uneasy path!
