Not the only Slack :)

With the beginning of the war, the Applied Mathematics Department transferred all communications with students to the corporate channels of the Slack messenger, which has been successfully used at the department for 3 years.
It was faster, more efficient and safer.
Now we are returning to public space.

Disabling the Russian-language version of the department's website

The Russian-language version of the department's website is disabled.

Once for all.

12/21/2021 at 9:00 am -- Public defense of master's theses

Dear colleagues and students,

December 21, 2021 (Tuesday) at 9:00 am an open meeting of the examination committee No. 14.2 will begin to consider master's theses for a master's degree.

For known reasons, this meeting will be held remotely via the following Zoom link:

Conference ID: 818 3072 3713
Access code: pM39h9

Competition with Reinforcement Learning from AI HOUSE and Pawa. Registration deadline: November 20

Don't miss it!

Colleagues, you've probably heard of the Reface mobile app.

In August 2020, Reface became the first Ukrainian application to take first place in the US AppStore and in 17 other countries, and in September 2020, Reface reached 42 million downloads in the App Store.

This company was the founder of AI HOUSE in Ukraine, and the Department of Applied Mathematics becomes one of the partners of AI HOUSE.

What do mathematicians collect? - webinar with Prof. Serhiy Maksymenko

On November 17 at 17:00 a webinar with Prof. Serhiy Maksymenko.

We invite students and faculty of our Department!


Topic: What do mathematicians collect?

Key questions:
• What does modern mathematics do?
• How to become a mathematician? From what small steps is this profession formed? Why do you need to analyze theorem proving?
• What do mathematicians "collect"?
• From the residuals of a uniform resource distribution to the street cleaning theorem.

KPI Job fair

We invite students of our department to participate in the Job Fair “beAhead. Autumn 2021 ”, which will run until November 12, 2021 on the CAREERFAIR.KPI.UA online platform.

During the Fair, representatives of partner companies:

Draft educational programs for discussion

Dear colleagues, on the departmental site in the section "Official documents" the projects of the educational programs updated for 2022/23 academic year for the first (bachelor's) and the second (master's) levels on which training is conducted at our department are presented.

We look forward to your feedback, comments and suggestions by e-mail

Make our educational programs better!


Speech by prof. Oleg Chertov at KPItalks "Your first year at KPI"

On September 16, the first meeting of KPItalks "Your first year at KPI" took place in the State Polytechnic Museum.
Oleg Chertov, the head of the Applied Mathematics Department was among the speakers. His talk can be watched from the 33rd minute of the recording:

It will be useful to look at first-year students and prospective applicants. 

Selective disciplines for master students

Dear fellow master students!
From September 20 to September 25, you will have a choice of academic disciplines for inclusion in your individual curriculum.
The cathedral catalog of selected disciplines for master students can be downloaded at the following link:

1st year bachelor and master students 2021/2022

Features of the beginning of the academic year for the 1st year Bachelor's and Master's programs of the Applied Mathematics Department of the 2021/2022 academic year  
