Violeta Tretynyk

Where and when were you born?

May 9, 1970 in Kyiv.

What school did you graduate from?

School 200.

What university did you graduate from? What major was it?

At the Faculty of Physics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, majoring in theoretical physics.

Why did you decide to become a university professor?

Such were the circumstances. However, after having become one, I realized that I really enjoy it. I like working with young people.

When did you start teaching in the KPI?


When did you start to be interested in math?

When I began studying algebra at school.

What do you do in your spare time, do you have a hobby?

In my spare time, I like doing handicrafts: sewing, embroidering. I have a small collection of violets. I like visiting theaters and exhibitions with friends and family.

Which three movies would you recommend to watch?

It’s hard to choose only three, but if so, then Forest Gump, Amelie, Green Miles.

Do you believe in God?


Do you like sports?

In the student years, I was engaged in ballroom dancing. In the childhood, I did figure skating.

Can you recall a favorite city from your trips, the one that lasts in your memory?

My favorite city is Uzhhorod. This is the parenthood of my parents.

Do you have a rule or principle that you adhere to in your life?

The principle is simple and down to earth. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

“Live and learn.” What have you learned or found out recently?

Recently I became interested in business analytics, so it was interesting to read Karl Wiegers' Software Requirements. Now I’m willing to apply this knowledge in practice.

What are the qualities in people you appreciate and which ones you do not like?

In people, I appreciate sincerity and tolerance, but I dislike indifference.

How do you relax from students?

Students don’t tire me. I like to relax in the nature, and I often travel with my daughter.

What do the students lack?

The present generation is impatient, wants everything at once. But it doesn’t work that way. To achieve something, you need to work hard. Then the reward will be worthy.