IV World Conference on Soft Computing

In May, Applied Mathematics Department Assist. Lect. Dan TAVROV visited the 4th World Conference on Soft Computing, which took place in Berkeley, CA, the U.S. The conference was dedicated to the research heritage of the “Father of Fuzzy Logic,” prof. Lotfi Zadeh.

At the conference, Dan Tavrov presented the talk “Two-Phase Memetic Modifying Algorithm for Solving the Task of Providing Group Anonymity,” prepared in collaboration with his scientific supervisor, AMD Assoc. Prof. Oleg Chertov. The talk was devoted to the novel modification of the memetic algorithm for preserving data utility when providing their group anonymity.

During the conference, Dan Tavrov also chaired the “Modeling and Control” session.

At the conference, Dan Tavrov talked to many prominent scientists in the field of soft computing, including Lotfi Zadeh,




Ronald Yager (the U.S.),





Vladik Kreinovich (the U.S.),




Shahnaz Shahbazova (Azerbaijan),






Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland),



Marek Reformat (Canada) and others.



Of a special interest was the meeting of the AMD staff member with the Vice President of Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence Vadim Stefanuk,
who is a member of the Program Committee of the T. A. Taran International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Analysis of Information.” The conference has been being held at
the Applied Mathematics Department for more than 10 years in a row.



Aside from participating in the conference, Dan Tavrov also enjoyed the unique sights of Berkeley, a small but widely known university center.