Third Annual World Conference on Soft Computing

In December, AMD lecturers PhD, Assoc. Prof. Oleg CHERTOV and Assist. Lect. Dan TAVROV visited the Third Annual World Conference on Soft Computing, which took place in San Antonio, TX, the U.S. The conference was devoted to the “Father of Fuzzy Logic,” prof. Lotfi Zadeh, and his wife Mrs. Fay Zadeh.

At the conference, authors presented the talk “Memetic Algorithm for Solving the Task of Providing Group Anonymity” (O. Chertov, D. Tavrov) published in “Advance Trends in Soft Computing.” The talk featured the demonstration of applying memetic approach to preserving utility of the published data when providing their group anonymity. It is worth nothing that the talk was presented at the “Applications of Soft Computing to Big Data and Other Aspects of Information processing,” which was chaired by Dan Tavrov.


During the conference, AMD lecturers talked
to many prominent scientists in the field of soft computing,
including Lotfi Zadeh,




Ronald Yager (the U.S.), Mo Jamshidi (the U.S.) and others. Also, our representatives managed to establish work contacts with a number of world renown scientists in the field, such as Vladik Kreinovich (the U.S.), Rafik Aliev (Azerbaijan), Shahnaz Shahbazova (Azerbaijan), Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland) and others.

AMD lecturers not only took part in the conference, but also were able to enjoy the sights of the 7th largest U.S. city, San Antonio.






Moreover, they also visited authentic Texas Knibbe Ranch as a part of the Social Programme.